DVI Single Link KVM extenders
DVI Single Link KVM extenders are designed to transmit uncompressed DVI-D Single Link signal via fibre optics, CatX and IP. The maximum distance is 150 meters by CatX and 10,000 meters via singlemode and multimode fiber optics. Max. resolution is 1920x1200 60Hz.
KVM extenders (complete package) can transmit the following types of interfaces:
- 4 DVI-D single link
- Keyboard, mouse PS/2
- Keyboard, mouse USB
- USB 2.0 up to 480 Mbit/s
- Unbalanced stereo audio
- RS232
KVM system consists of a transmitter and receiver pair. A transmitter has ports for local control. Devices can be designed for 1,2,3 or 4 monitors, also they can be equippedWith an additional set of interfaces USB 2.0, RS232 or audio. Allowed the use cables Cat5, 5, 5e, 6, and 7. Optional you may orderVGA support. It gives you freedom to connect to analog or digital signals. This device can be mounted in a rack (optional).