After turning a TV set on we become non-stop information users. We sit in front of TV, we switch channels and look for the desired program. So, did you ever think how many human and hardware resources are required to maintain an IT infrastructure for every TV channel? Can you imagine what happens if a computer of a specialist who is responsible for broadcasting fails?
If an operator's station is equipped with high-tech KVM solution the work won’t stop because an operator just have to switch his workplace to a backup computer. Matrix KVM solution is ideal to use in this case. Computers are located in ventilated and protected room. Workstations are connected to the matrix switcher with KVM transmitters via CATX. Your matrix KVM switch can be located near the servers or far away from them. KVM switch connects to operator work place using CATX cable. Using KVM receivers operators have access to any computer connected to the KVM switch.
In case of an emergency situation an operator can switch to any computer and continue his work. This location scheme saves space on workplaces. Information security increases and every user can switch easy between a lot of computers.